Jim Narkiewicz, our stellar and very generous board member, purchased one of Bellows Falls’ nicest buildings on December 6th
—and he is going to rent it to the Bellows Falls Historical Society!
Located in the village center on lower Canal Street, it has beautiful views with double doors and huge windows looking over the swirling waters of the canal—the Waypoint Center and Bellows Falls’ historic train station just beyond. The building is handicapped accessible and there is plenty of parking. We’ll have lots of storage space for our extensive archives. The front rooms, with floor-to-ceiling windows, are perfect for our rotating museum displays. There is a professional kitchen, a handicapped accessible bathroom and other large rooms for hosting meetings, gatherings and scheduling presentations.
We plan to begin the move in January and be settled and welcoming the public by spring.
We couldn’t be more excited and grateful!
The Adams Grist Mill Museum is now closed until May.
MEANWHILE - Visit us at our museum and offce in downtown Bellow Falls Museumat 31 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls - open year round Wednesdays and Saturdays 1-3, or by appointment.
Appointments can be made by contacting bfhistoricalsociety@gmail.com. 802-376-9876
The beautiful riverfront park is open to the public every day - year round - from dawn to dusk.
2024 was another fantastic year…
The Bellows Falls HIstorical Society is entirely supported through donations and with your help we continually move towards accomplishing our major goals: to expand, secure and catalogue our collections; to properly restore the historic Frank Adams Grist Mill Museum; to maintain and beautify our lovely Riverfront Park; and to engage the greater public in the fascinating history of our unique little Village of Bellows Falls.
Thanks to Jim Narkiewicz and his crew of trained docents the Mill Museum offered tours Saturday, Sunday and holidays this season. Board member Patrick Walker keeps the Mill stocked with unique souvenir items for visitors to take home. This season donations at the Mill were impressive—nearly $1,000! Park Supervisor Annette Spaulding, and her army of volunteers, have the Park looking more beautiful than ever! Archivist Pat Fowler is striving to get our collections organized and accessible.
We hope you will join us in preserving and sharing the history of our Village and helping with the beautification of Bellows Falls’ only access to the Connecticut River. The Bellows Falls Historical Society is supported entirely by donations from the local community. If you appreciate these accomplishments, and want us to continue, your financial support is truly crucial!
We also have several areas of participation if you are interested: archiving at our Center on Westminster Street, landscaping at the Riverfront Park, or becoming a docent at the Mill. We encourage you to join us in preserving or sharing the history of our Village and helping with the beautification of Bellows Falls’ only access to the Connecticut River.Contact: bfhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
The Collections
The Adams Grist Mill
BFHS Archives, Education Center and Museum 31 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls - Open Wednesdays and Saturdays 1-3.
Appointments can be made by contacting bfhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.
The Frank Adams Grist Mill, 20 Mill Street, will be open for tours on summer Saturdays and Sundays 11-3 through Indigenous Peoples' Day weekend, with additional Monday hours during both the Labor Day and Indigenous Peoples' Day weekends -or by appointment. bfhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Let us put your skills to work! Contact President Cathy Bergmann at bfhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
"The Historical Society helped me learn about the history of the home I recently purchased in Bellows Falls, providing me with a full photo album from the original family that owned it for over 100 years!"